The PRIMAP-hist national historical emissions time series (1750-2023) v2.6.1

Dataset Description Paper

Gütschow, Johannes; Jeffery, M. Louise; Gieseke, Robert; Gebel, Ronja; Stevens, David; Krapp, Mario; Rocha, Marcia (2016): The PRIMAP-hist national historical emissions time series, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 8, 571-603,

Dataset Download (Version v2.6.1)

Gütschow, Johannes ; Busch, Daniel ; Pflüger, Mika (2025): The PRIMAP-hist national historical emissions time series (1750-2023) v2.6.1. Zenodo.

Additional Data and Data Support Services

Climate Resource makes this data available CC BY 4.0 licence. We also provide additional data, and data support services to clients wanting more frequent updates, additional metadata or to integrate these datasets into their workflows. Get in touch at if you are interested.

About PRIMAP-hist

The PRIMAP-hist dataset combines several published datasets to create a comprehensive set of greenhouse gas emission pathways for every country and Kyoto gas covering the years from 1750 to 2023, and all UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) member states, as well as most non-UNFCCC territories.
Subsector data for Energy, Industrial Processes and Agriculture is available for CO2, CH4, and N2O. Due to data availability and methodological issues, the data for land use, land use change, and forestry (LULUCF) of the PRIMAP-hist dataset has to be used with extra care.

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Data (CC-BY-4.0):
Other (IPC5)
Waste (IPC4)
Agriculture (IPCMAG, sum of IPC3A and IPCMAGELV)
Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPC2)
Energy (IPC1)
Totals (Excluding Land-Use)
Shift-click a category to toggle viewing a single category.
Group/Abbrev. Description
All parties Aggregated emissions for all countries.
Annex-I Annex-I Parties to the Convention
Non-Annex-I Non-Annex-I Parties to the Convention
AOSIS Alliance of Small Island States
BASIC BASIC countries (Brazil, South Africa, India and China)
EU27 European Union (post Brexit)
LDC Least Developed Countries
Umbrella-Group Umbrella Group

Recommended citation

When using this dataset, or one of its updates, please cite the DOI of the precise version of the dataset used and also the data description article to which this dataset is supplement. Please consider also citing relevant original sources when using the PRIMAP-hist dataset. References to the original sources can be found in the manuscript and on the dataset download page.

Description Article

Gütschow, Johannes.; Jeffery, M. Louise; Gieseke, Robert; Gebel, Ronja; Stevens, David; Krapp, Mario; Rocha, Marcia (2016): The PRIMAP-hist national historical emissions time series, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 8, 571-603,


Gütschow, Johannes ; Busch, Daniel ; Pflüger, Mika (2025): The PRIMAP-hist national historical emissions time series (1750-2023) v2.6.1. Zenodo.


Johannes Gütschow

We would appreciate it if you notify us when you use the dataset so that we can keep track of how it is used and take that into consideration when updating and improving the dataset.


Version 2.6.1 (March 2025)

The v2.6.1 release updates country reported and some third party data. New and updated input data sources are UNFCCC CRT data from BTRs for AnnexI and non-AnnexI countries, FAOSTAT agricultural and LULUCF data, EDGAR data for all gases, and cement process emissions data. A more detailed changelog is available with the Zenodo release of the dataset ( Additionally we provide detailed per country changes here.

Version 2.6 (September 2024)

The v2.6 release updates country reported and some third party data. New and updated input data sources are UNFCCC data for AnnexI and non-AnnexI countries, official country inventories, Energy Institute's fossil fuel related emissions, and cement process emissions data. A more detailed changelog is available with the Zenodo release of the dataset ( Additionally we provide detailed per country changes here.

Version 2.5.1 (February 2024)

The v2.5.1 release updates mainly third party data. New and updated input data sources are UNFCCC data for AnnexI, CDIAC fossil fuel related emissions, EDGAR v8.0 data (CO2, CH4, N2O), cement process emissions data from Robbie Andrew, and data from India's third National Communication. A more detailed changelog is available with the Zenodo release of the dataset ( Additionally we provide detailed per country changes here.

Version 2.5 (October 2023)

The v2.5 release updates mainly country reported data and extends the time series by one year to 2022. New and updated input data sources are UNFCCC data for AnnexI and non-AnnexI data, Energy Institute data for fossil fuel CO2, and cement process emissions data from Robbie Andrew. F-gas data are now included from EDGAR v7.0. The the full changelog is available in the file *PRIMAP-hist_v2.5_detailed_CHANGELOG.pdf* in the PRIMAP-hist Zenodo repository.

Version 2.4.2 (March 2023)

The v2.4.2 release is a minor bugfix release with no new input data and no changes to methods except for a bugfix affecting source harmonization in special cases.

Version 2.4.1 (February 2023)

The v2.4.1 release updates mainly third party data. Time series are not extended and cover 1750 to 2021. UNFCCC CRF data and data from the DI interface have been updated, however the changes are minor. In the third party data category FAOSTAT has been updated to the 2022 release (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2023)) and EDGAR has been updated to v7.0 (JRC (2022)). There have been no updates to data processing.

Version 2.4 (October 2022)

The 2.4 release is an update of version 2.3. Input sources have been updated and the time-lag is reduced from two years to one.

Version 2.3.1 (September 2021)

The 2.3.1 release is a minor bugfix update version 2.3.1. The only new data source included is updated cement process emissions data .

Version 2.3 (August 2021)

The 2.3 release is an update of version 2.2. The methodology is mainly unchanged, but the input sources have been updated where available. For early historical data we now use CEDS for CH4 and CO2. The time-series now start in 1750 instead of 1850. Additionally some bugs have been fixed.

Version 2.2 (February 2021)

The 2.2 release is a minor update of version 2.1. The methodology is unchanged, only the input sources have been updated where available. Additionally some bugs have been fixed.

Version 2.1 (November 2019)

The 2.1 release is a minor update of version 2.0. The methodology is unchanged, only the input sources have been updated where available. Additionally some bugs have been fixed.

Version 2.0 (December 2018)

The 2.0 release comes with several important changes. The dataset now uses the sectors from the IPCC 2006 guidelines. It includes new and updated data sources (EDGAR v4.3.2, Andrew 2018 cement data, updated BUR, CRF and UNFCCC data, updated BP and FAO data). This release of PRIMAP-hist does not include LULUCF emissions. We also present two different time series to highlight discrepancies between data from third party assessments and data reported by countries. In the "country reported priority" time series we prioritize country reported data over third party data. This is a direct continuation of earlier versions of PRIMAP-hist. This time series has the scenario code "HISTCR". In the "third party priority" time series we prioritize data from third party assessments (e.g. by research institutes, international organization, or private companies) over the country reported data. The scenario code is "HISTTP".

Version 1.1 (February 2017)

The 1.1 release contains mostly bug fixes. To keep the dataset up to date we also included some updated data sources.

Version 1.0 (November 2016)

First release.

Why we currently do not include land use data in PRIMAP-hist

LULUCF data has high annual fluctuations which makes it difficult to combine datasets by scaling of one dataset to match the other (and use the growth rates of the scaled dataset to extend the other dataset). Thus in PRIMAP-hist v1 we used unscaled data, which introduces sudden changes in emissions timeseries that were often understood by users as changes in actual emissions instead of changes in underlying dataset. LULUCF emissions estimates vary strongly between different datasets and the methodologies used can be very different. There are also changes in methodologies within datasets, which again introduce sudden emissions changes into the timeseries. With the data currently available, we cannot produce time series that fulfill our requirements for internal consistency and easy usability by a broad audience. Describing the inconsistencies and the limitations to the use of the dataset resulting from these issues has proven not to suffice as the LULUCF data lead to misunderstandings. Thus we have decided to stop publishing LULUCF timeseries until either there are more consistent datasets or we develop an improved methodology to create a consistent and easy to use LULUCF dataset.


Emissions from international Aviation and Shipping are not included.

Gas categories are using global warming potentials from either the IPCC's (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Second Assessment Report (SAR), Assessment Report 4 (AR4), Assessment Report 5 (AR5) or Assessment Report 6 (AR6).

The last years of the time series are obtained using extrapolations for some sectors and gases for Non-Annex-I countries. Therefore these data have to be used with caution when making statements about short term emissions trends.
Please check out the dataset without extrapolation to find out which time series have been extrapolated. This dataset is available together with the extrapolated data under the DOI given above.

We provide a version of this dataset that does not use numerical extrapolation to the future that can be used for this purpose. Where regional data is used for extrapolation to the past, individual country developments are not taken into account and can not be deduced from the data. Short term trends can also be influenced by the combination of different sources, thus the consultation of original sources is advised before making statements about such trends.